How Invisalign Works 

Understanding how malocclusion treatment works make it easy to choose a suitable treatment plan. Several reviews on using Invisalign before and after teeth misalignment indicate that it is an effective treatment method. Choosing a malocclusion treatment method depends on a variety of factors. These include;

  • Teeth and gum condition Malocclusion treatment depends on the state of one’s teeth and gum. Teeth condition determines the calibration set on Invisalign molds or traditional braces. If one’s teeth are delicate, the treatment devices will be configured to a lesser pressure to prevent injury to the gums. Delicate gums also require careful handling to avoid injury; this implies that the dentist avoids direct contact between the Invisalign or braces with gums.
  • The extent of malocclusion The extent of teeth misalignment determines the treatment method used on a patient. In cases of extreme misalignment, Invisalign is the ideal treatment method. This method delivers faster results with the replacement of mold after every 2-4 weeks during treatment. The replacement of Invisalign molds ensures the patient is comfortable and enough pressure is applied to the teeth to correct the condition. Cases of extreme crowding can also be treated effectively by Invisalign.
  • Cost of treatment method Everyone desires to find better treatment at an affordable cost depending on their financial status. The cost of treatment is an essential factor that determines malocclusion treatment. Invisalign treatment is an effective and cheaper method of malocclusion treatment. However, specialists in Invisalign are not easily found all over since it is a new technology. This implies that one might incur additional costs moving to see dentists. On the other hand, traditional braces could also be inexpensive depending on how and when they are applied. In adults, teeth are fully grown and hence hard to redirect; this leads to staying with the braces for a longer time.

There are many more aspects to consider when choosing a treatment method. The additional considerations include personal taste and preferences.

Outcomes Of Using Invisalign

Invisalign is a tested and proven malocclusion treatment method. Several people have recovered fully and recorded reviews of using Invisalign before and after treatment. Some of the health benefits expected from Invisalign treatment of malocclusion include;

  • Improved self-esteem Self-esteem is essential in everyone’s social life and well-being. Having misaligned and crowded teeth reduce one’s confidence. In school-going children, teeth misalignment could attract bullying, which affects their mental health and general school performance. Invisalign, being transparent and almost invisible, minimizes trauma that comes with traditional braces among school-going children. At the end of the treatment process, the patients regain their perfect smile improving their confidence in public.
  • Better speech Teeth misalignment causes difficulty in pronouncing certain words. This difficulty reduces one’s ability to communicate with one person or address a bigger crowd. Teeth realignment places the gum, teeth, and mouth shape in the correct position to pronounce words perfectly.
  • Better breathing Teeth misalignment and crowding obstructs air passage into and out of the mouth leading to difficulty breathing. Persistent misalignment could lead to respiratory complications as insufficient air is let into the system. Using Invisalign before and after teeth misalignment helps regain the natural position of teeth leaving adequate space for air passage.

Invisalign Working Mechanism

Invisalign works differently from traditional braces. The significant difference between the two is that, unlike traditional braces, Invisalign is removable. The core working principle of the two malocclusion treatment methods involves applying pressure on misaligned teeth. However, Invisalign involves using a transparent medical grade plastic model to apply pressure on the teeth to achieve realignment. The following are steps involved in Invisalign treatment;

  • First consultation The initial stage of malocclusion treatment is consultation with an orthodontist. This step helps determine the severity of the problem and the best treatment method. The patient visits the orthodontist, who checks the condition of the teeth and gums to determine the suitability of Invisalign as a treatment method. Common problems treatable by Invisalign include gapped teeth, crowded teeth, and mild overbite. However, Invisalign may be ineffective in extreme overbite cases.
  • Creation of molds After examining the patient’s case, the orthodontist takes photographic images of the patient’s mouth to create Invisalign molds. The images are transferred to a computer where necessary adjustments are made depending on the force applied to the mold and mouth shape. The adjusted information is sent to a 3D printer which generates an Invisalign mold for the patient.
  • Fitting the mold Once the mold has been generated, it is cleaned and disinfected, ready for installation on the patient’s teeth. The patient’s teeth and mouth are also cleaned to remove any microorganisms that could cause an infection. The prepared mold is then fitted on the patient’s teeth with an allowance to be removed whenever necessary. The molds are placed on the jaw that needs correction; however, some orthodontists insist on putting the mold on both jaws. This ensures the natural teeth remain in position as the rest are realigned.
  • Mold adjustment With the pressure applied teeth direction and spacing change over time. This makes the initial mold ineffective after a certain period. Patients are required to see an orthodontist after a specified period for adjustment of the Invisalign molds. Adjustment involves taking new photographic images of the patient’s mouth and reprinting new adjusted molds. The installation process is then repeated, and the patient is allowed to leave for the specified time. Invisalign treatment takes between two to four weeks before one recognizes a change in their teeth alignment. It takes up to eighteen months for a complete recovery depending on the extent of malocclusion.

Although it is practical, Invisalign treatment requires an expert for maximum benefits to the patient. This treatment procedure results from technological advancements; therefore, the orthodontist one visits should be conversant with the technology involved for effective treatment. Miscalibration of the Invisalign molds could result in excessive force leading to discomfort when wearing them. One of the easiest ways to find a skilled orthodontist is by asking for recommendations. Reading reviews on digital and print media could also guide one on choosing the best orthodontist for Invisalign treatment.